University Journals 2015
Maseno University Journal Volume 1 2012
Maseno University Journal is an academic channel for dissemination of scientific, social and technological knowledge internationally. To achieve this objective, the journal publishes original research and/or review articles both in the Humanities & Social Sciences, and Natural & Applied Sciences. Such articles should engage current debates in the respective disciplines and clearly show a contribution to the existing knowledge. The submitted articles will be subjected to rigorous peer-review and decisions on their publication will be made by the editors of the journal, following reviewers’ advice. Maseno University does not necessarily agree with, nor take responsibility for information contained in articles submitted by the contributors.
The journal shall not be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the Vice Chancellor, Maseno University.
Notes and guides to authors can be obtained from the Maseno University website or at the back of this issue of the journal every year, but authors are encouraged to read recent issues of the journal