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Environment & Earth Sciences Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2010 Drought severity and their impacts on rural livelihoods in Laikipia District, Kenya.

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 3(3), 035-043 (Academic Journals)

Huho, J.M.; Ngaira, J.K.W; Ogindo, H.O.
2010 Accessibility of water services in Kisumu municipality, Kenya.

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 3(4), 114-125, (Academic Journals)

Wagah, G.G.; Onyango, G.M.; Kibwage, J.K.
2011 Rain-fed agriculture and climate change: An analysis of the most appropriate planting dates in Central Division of Laikipia District, Kenya.

International Journal of Current Research, 3(4), 172-182

Huho, J.M.
2012 Climate Change and Agricultural Development In Africa: Solutions And Challenges To Persistent Famine.

International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2(2), 153-168 (Asian Economic and Social Society).

Ngaira, J.K.W.; Musiambo, M.
2013 Status of the Sondu-Miriu River fish species diversity and fisheries: Sondu-Miriu Hydro-Power Project (SMH) operations.

Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 5(8), 181-188.

Owiti, D.O.; Kapiyo, R.A.; Bosire, E.K.
2013 Effects of land use types on the levels of microbial contamination based on total coliform and Escherischia coli counts on the Mara River, East Africa.

African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, 13: 5-11.

Matano, A.S.; Anyona, D.N.; Owuor, P.O.; Abuom, P.O.; Dida, G.O.; Kapiyo, R.; Ofulla, A.V. O.
2013 Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of schistosomiasis host snails in lake and land habitats of western Kenya.

Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 18(2), 197-215.

Ofulla, A.V.; Adoka, S.O.; Anyona, D.N.; Abuom, P.O.; Karanja, D.; Vulule, J.M.; Okurut, T.; Matano, A.-S.; Dida, G.O.; Jembe, T.; Gichuki, J.
2013 Effects of land use types on the levels of microbial contamination based on total coliform and Escherischia coli counts on the Mara River, East Africa.

African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, 13: 5-11.

Matano, A.S.; Anyona, D.N.; Owuor, P.O.; Abuom, P.O.; Dida, G.O.; Kapiyo, R.; Ofulla, A.V. O.
2013 Factors determining land use development in the unplanned suburbs of Kisumu Municipality, Kenya.

International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(1), 1-23.

Kola, M.O.; Onyango, G.M.; Oindo, B.O.
2013 The effects of farm pesticides on water bird numbers in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 2(7), 203 – 209.

Kaoga, J.; Ouma, G.; Abuom, P.