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Environment & Earth Sciences Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2007 Environment Gender and Forest utilization.

In Gender Development and Challenges (Ngaira, J.K. Walingo, M.K. Eds), Datamet Environmental Network, Kisumu ISBN 9966-758 –02 – X., Chapter 5,

Ngaira, J.K
2007 Climate Change and Water Challenges for Africa in the 21st Century.

Journal of Science, Technology, Education and Management (J-STEM), 1(1), 55-69. (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology)

Ngaira, J.K
2007 Gender Development and Challenges. An Interdisciplinary Approach.

Datamet Environmental Network, Kisumu ISBN – 9966 – 758-02-X. 

Ngaira J.K.; Walingo M.K
2007 Growth determinants of micro and small enterprises in the fishing industry in Bondo District, Kenya.

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4, 397 – 406 (Inderscience Publishers) 

Onyango, J.O.
2008 Understanding the relationship between environmental energy availability and bad species richness in Kenya using remote sensing and ancillary data.

The Open Remote Sensing Journal, 1, 1-6 (Bentham Open).

Oindo, O.
2008 Predicting mammal species richness from remotely sensed data at different spatial scales.

The Open Remote Sensing Journal, 1, 7-16 (Bentham Open).

Oindo, O.
2008 Local institutions for sustaining wetland resources and community livelihoods in the Lake Victoria basin.

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(5), 97-106 (Academic Journals)

Kibwage, J.K.; Onyango, P.O.; Bakamwesiga, H.
2008 Structure and performance of formal retail market for bamboo products in Kenya.

Scientific Research and Essay, 3(6), 229-239 Academic Journals)

Kibwage, J.K.; Odondo, A.; Momanyi, G.M.
2008 Growth performance of bamboo in tobacco-growing regions in South Nyanza, Kenya.

African Journal of Agricultural Research, 3(10), 716-724 (Academic Journals)

Kibwage, J.K.; Netondo, G.W.; Odondo, A.J.; Oindo, B.O.; Momanyi, G.M. Jinhe, F.
2008 Environmental Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Livelihoods

Eastern Africa. Eastern Africa Environmental Network, EAEN, 18, 23-31 (African Conservation Foundation)

Ngaira, J.K.W.