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Public health Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2011 The company malaria keeps: how co-infection with Epstein-Barr virus leads to endemic Burkitt lymphoma.

Current Opinion on Infectious Diseases. 24(5):435-41.

Moormann AM, Snider CJ, Chelimo K
2011 Age-related differences in naturally acquired T cell memory to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1.

PLoS One: 6(9).

Chelimo K, Embury PB, Sumba PO, Vulule J, Ofulla AV, Long C, Kazura JW, Moormann AM.
2011 Knowledge and Behavior as determinants of anti-malarial drug use in a peri-urban population from malaria holoendemic region of western Kenya.

Malaria Journal 10(1):99.

Watsierah CA, Jura WGZO, Kaseje D, Abon’go B, Ouma C
2011 Prevelance and Academy Antimicrobial Susceptibility patterns of enteric bacteria isolated from water and fish in Lake Victoria basin of Western Kenya.

World of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 75.

Onyuka, J., Kaikai, R. Onyango, D., Arama, P., Gichuki, J., and Ofulla, A.
2011 Polymorphic variability in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of IL12B is associated with susceptibility to severe anaemia in Kenyan children with acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

BMC Genetics. 12 (1): 69.

Ong’echa JM, Raballah E, Kempaiah P, Anyona SB, Were T, Davenport GC, Konah S, Vulule JM, Ouma C, Hittner JB, and Perkins DJ
2011 Functional Promoter Haplotypes of Interleukin-18Condition Susceptibility to Severe Malarial Anemia and Childhood Mortality.

Infection and Immunity. 79 (12): 4923-4932.

Anyona S, Kempaiah P, Raballah E, Ouma C, Were T, Davenport G, Konah S, Vulule J, Hittner J, Gichuki C, Ong'echa J, and Perkins D
2011 Anthropometric and Dietary Profile of HIV Sero-positive Patients in Chulaimbo Sub-district, Kenya.

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. 1(3): 34- 44.

Onyango AC, Walingo MK, Mbagaya GM, Kakai R
2011 Relationship of the availability of micronutrient powder with iron status and anemia among women and children in the Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya.

Food Nutr Bull :32(3): 286-91.

Ndemwa P, Klotz CL, Mwaniki D, Sun K, Muniu E, Andango P, Okara S, Rah J, Kraemer K, Wilkinson C, Bloem MW, Pee S, Semba RD.
2011 Using Food Grade Lye “Omushelekha” in the Formulation of Health Products from Commonly Consumed African Indigenous Vegetables and Vegetable Combinations.

Functional Foods in Health and Disease.  5: 189-197.

Walingo MK, Habwe FO
2011 Body Composition and CD4 Cell Count of HIV Sero-Positive Adults Attending Out-Patient Clinic in Chulaimbo Sub-District Hospital, Kenya.

Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 10 (6): 582-588.

Onyango AC, Walingo MK, Mbagaya GM, Kakai R